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Company Name Effective Date Country Website VAT/TAX ID Amazon ID
Proshop ApS 2019-12-10 Austria https://www.proshop.at/?s=grandstream
M&C Technology vof 2020-08-11 Belgium BE0479101014
Comworx Ltd 2020-08-11 Cyprus CY10356197E
WNC WAVEFORM NETWORKS CYPRUS LTD 2019-04-02 Cyprus www.wnc.com.cy CY10372802E
Mironet 2020-03-17 Czech Republic www.mironet.cz CZ28189647
egenta s.r.o 2020-08-11 Czech Republic ESN0611500J
Proshop ApS 2019-12-10 Denmark https://www.proshop.pl/?s=grandstream NIP: 5263226856
EuroMystic OÜ 2020-08-11 Estonia EE101947635
Proshop ApS 2019-12-10 Finland https://www.proshop.fi/?s=grandstream Y-tunnus: 2822229-7
ASdiscount 2020-08-11 France ESN2500361G
MOHAMED GABER MOHAMED 2020-08-11 France FR83790990436
ONEDIRECT, SAS 2024-07-08 France https://www.onedirect.fr/ FR67421715731
Office Easy 2024-05-07 France https://www.officeeasy.fr/
One Direct 2019-12-23 France http://www.onedirect.fr/ FR 67 421 715 731
Bürotechnik Sachsen 2019-12-23 Germany http://www.vollfarbdrucker.de/ DE199525070
Cheapsell UG 2019-12-23 Germany http://cheap-sell.eu/ DE274931463
Hall R. Bölck B, Servos R. Heyne A. GbR 2020-08-11 Germany DE196852606
Innet GmbH 2019-12-10 Germany www.innet.de DE 185432203
KW Vertriebs UG 2019-12-23 Germany http://www.kw-vertrieb.de/ DE298440748
Konsumfabrik 2019-12-23 Germany http://www.konsumfabrik.de/ DE216064466
M&M Computer 2019-12-23 Germany http://www.technikbilliger.de/ DE811992233
Mioga Warenhandel & Service GmbH 2020-08-11 Germany DE279615689
One Direct 2019-12-23 Germany http://www.onedirect.de/ DE814985578
Priz24 2019-12-23 Germany www.a2t.ro/ DE270989899
Proshop ApS 2019-12-10 Germany https://www.proshop.de/?s=grandstream
RCS GmbH 2020-08-11 Germany DE310349556
Sotel GmbH 2019-10-17 Germany www.sotel.de DE274952362
ejoker / Etronixx sales GmbH/span> 2019-12-23 Germany http://wwww.ejoker.de/ DE813126695
natwol 2022-03-16 Germany www.test.de
oli.k computer und internetservice e.K 2020-04-02 Germany https://www.amazon.es/sp?&seller=A1X0M9U5WW1195 ESY5763802Q
Sky Path Ghana Limited 2019-01-01 Ghana https://www.skypathgroup.com/
NSYS Telecommunications 2020-01-29 Greece http://www.nsys.gr//
TERKENIDIS, DIM., & CO. E.E., www.xpatit.gr 2019-04-02 Greece www.xpatit.gr EL998250962
Techstores.gr 2019-09-05 Greece https://www.techstores.gr/
Carbone Giuseppe 2020-08-11 Italy IT02617880832
ENTEK GROUP snc 2020-03-05 Italy www.eurylink.com 03232200133
Ezdirect srl 2018-07-31 Italy https://www.ezdirect.it/ CCIAA 01164670455
Happy Home Srls 2020-08-11 Italy IT11996950017
MILLENNIUM STAR S.R.L. 2020-08-11 Italy IT11304581009
ONDEAL S.R.L. 2020-08-11 Italy IT09667410964
One Direct 2018-08-20 Italy https://www.onedirect.it 5080100968
Sales People Srl 2020-08-11 Italy IT05869310820
Tecnauto di Gargiuolo Roberto 2020-08-11 Italy IT03171660727
Zona Web s.r.l 2020-03-05 Italy https://www.bpm-power.com/ 11772600018
zona web srl 2020-03-03 Italy https://www.bpm-power.com/it/
VDS TECHNOLOGY KENYA LTD 2019-12-16 Kenya www.pabxsystemkenya.com/
EKT Electronics 2018-07-27 Lebanon http://www.ekt2.com/
Top Technologies 2018-07-27 Lebanon http://www.top-technologies.net/
Tarptautines investicijos JSC 2020-08-11 Lithuania LT100012199317
ICS Reliable Solutions Distributor SRL 2024-01-17 Moldova, Republic of www.rsd.md
DATAVOX L.L.C TD 2019-12-26 Nigeria www.pabxsystemnigeria.com/grandstream-ip-phone-lagos-nigeria/
kayaztech Int'l 2023-04-12 Nigeria kayaztech.com
Proshop ApS 2019-12-10 Norway https://www.proshop.no/?s=grandstream
AD Impex 2019-12-23 Poland http://www.adimpex.biz/ DE326579205, PL6832104813
CDR Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa 2019-04-24 Poland https://www.cdr.pl/ PL6511717587
Grupa IDP sp. z o.o. 2023-10-27 Poland www.hardware24.pl 6182166949
NET-S M. Chmielewski, J. Chmielewska Spółka Jawna 2019-10-29 Poland https://www.net-s.pl/ PL5862146342
Proshop APS 2019-12-10 Poland https://www.proshop.pl/ NIP: PL5263226866
SELECTRO Sp z o. o. 2019-02-13 Poland PL1231261907
Sklep internetowy Domsary 2019-10-29 Poland https://domsary.eu/ PL8451336634
e-Market4U 2019-10-01 Poland https://kupujunas.com/ PL5321221629
myWorld Poland Sp. z o.o. 2019-12-10 Poland https://pl.myworld.com PL9542657008
Availablemeridian Lda 2020-08-11 Portugal PT513368906
PAULO DAIER UNIPESSOAL LDA 2020-08-11 Portugal PT514985925
Fanplace IT SRL 2020-01-29 Romania www.fanplace.ro/ RO31962960
MELA-ROX COM SRL 2020-01-29 Romania www.melarox.ro/ RO5290584
PMC Group Distributie S.R.L. 2020-01-29 Romania www.forit.ro/ RO17116469
SC ATU TECH 2020-01-29 Romania www.a2t.ro/ RO29104875
АТЕЛИО 2020-06-16 Russian Federation www.atelio.ru 1147746830120
Ing. Alexandra Kollárová 2020-03-03 Slovakia 44651040
KT Team s.r.o 2019-10-18 Slovakia
Mironet 2020-03-17 Slovakia www.mironet.cz CZ28189647
Telson s.r.o. 2018-08-27 Slovakia SK2023002234
ALL 4 BUSINESS s.l. 2020-08-11 Spain B98376155
ALLKNOW Iberica Distribution 2022-02-14 Spain www.allnet.es
ALLNET GALICIA DISTRIBUTION SL 2020-03-03 Spain www.allnet.es B15873573
BIGUALES S.L. 2020-08-11 Spain ESB55069850
Eurovideo Extremadura SL 2020-08-11 Spain ESB06177539
Guillermo Peris Peris. 2018-08-31 Spain A1PA6795UKMFR9 20469689B
Intersell Spain S.L. 2020-08-11 Spain ESB73894909
MasWIFI 2019-12-23 Spain http://www.konsumfabrik.de/ ESB02498814
Newstri Corporate Solutions S.L.U. 2019-11-22 Spain csmobiles.com ESB21481460
Old Play Spain S.L.U 2020-08-11 Spain ESB94059367
One Direct 2018-08-21 Spain https://www.onedirect.es B62505524
PC Imagine SCP 2020-08-11 Spain ESJ64528086
Servicios de Comunicaciones Integrales de Extremadura 2020-08-11 Spain ESB06422299
Migrax se 2018-09-10 Sweden http://migrax.se
Proshop ApS 2019-12-10 Sweden https://www.proshop.se/?s=grandstream
Digital Security Technology 2022-07-06 Tanzania, United Republic of www.dst.co.tz
Nanok Katalog 2019-05-29 Turkey https://www.nanokatalog.com 6,290,555,360
Business information systems LLC 2021-11-26 Ukraine 1server.com.ua 24734712
Comfy Trade LLC 2021-11-26 Ukraine www.comfy.ua 36962487
Diesa LLC (Eldorado) 2021-11-26 Ukraine www.eldorado.ua 36483471
Eurobuy 2019-02-13 Ukraine www.eurobuy.ua
Multimedia Ukraine LLC 2021-11-26 Ukraine www.mta.ua 37372055
Private Entrepreneur Lastik Boris Olegovich (Denika) 2021-11-26 Ukraine www.denika.ua 3233122055
ТОВ "МОД АРМС ТЕХ" 2024-11-15 Ukraine 45417303
ФОП "ЗУБАРЕВ ЄВГЕН МИКОЛАЙОВИЧ" 2024-11-15 Ukraine 3274506937
AVION TRADING LLC 2021-06-07 United Arab Emirates WWW.AVION-ME.COM
DSR TECH COMPUTER TRADING LLC 2023-12-06 United Arab Emirates https://dsrtech.ae/ 100068071800003
Datavox LLC 2020-06-21 United Arab Emirates https://www.datavox.ae/
Digits Trading FZE 2022-06-15 United Arab Emirates
Royal Screen Electronics 2021-06-07 United Arab Emirates NA
TLM International 2023-11-30 United Arab Emirates www.tlmintl.com
TLM International FZE 2023-03-01 United Arab Emirates www.tlmintl.com
VECTOR DIGITAL SYSTEMS LLC 2023-11-30 United Arab Emirates www.vectordigitals.net
Vector Digital Systems L.L.C 2020-06-21 United Arab Emirates www.vectordigitals.net
Duck Dri Limited 2020-08-05 United Kingdom 12706391
GLOBAL INNOVATIVE TRADE GROUP LLC 2023-03-23 Uzbekistan globinnotrade@yahoo.com 305555096
ORIENTSHOP 2021-01-23 Uzbekistan 308619718